
When Using a Hammer, The Following Points Should Be Noted:

(1) The connection between the hammer head and the handle must be firm. All the hammer heads and hammer handles must be loose, and the hammer handles must not be split or cracked. The wedges of the hammer head and hammer handle in the mounting hole are preferably metal wedges. The length of the wedge should not be greater than 2/3 of the depth of the mounting hole.

(2) In order to have a certain degree of elasticity when hitting, the middle of the handle is slightly narrower than the end.

(3) When using a sledgehammer, it is necessary to pay attention to the front, rear, left, right, and up and down. It is forbidden to stand in the scope of the sledgehammer, and it is forbidden to use a sledgehammer and a hammer to play.

(4) The hammerhead is not allowed to quench, no cracks and burrs are allowed, and it is found that flashing and thorn must be repaired in time.

Claw hammers can strike, hammer, and lift nails, but claw hammers should not be used for hammering large workpieces. When nailing the nail, the hammer should hit the nail cap horizontally so that the nail can enter the timber vertically. When lifting the nail, it is better to put a block of wood on the horns to increase the pull-out force. The claw hammer should not be used as a cookware. Pay attention to hammering. The flat surface is intact to prevent the nails from flying out or the hammer from slipping.
Claw Hammers

