
Six Must-Have Agriculture Tools To Buy

You know that as a farmer, spring is a great time to start working and purchasing new tools. With so many options and a limited budget, trying to figure out what you need to buy can be difficult.
Check out this list of farm tools you can use to manage your crops more efficiently. Hopefully, some of the following tools will end up on your shopping list.

A sickle is a hand tool with a sharp, curved blade used for harvesting. It is used to cut succulent grasses for livestock fodder. Sickles are commonly used to cut green grass and grains. The history of the sickle dates back centuries and is a popular and useful tool in agriculture/farming. Originally, forged iron was used to make sickles. However, steel is now also used.
There are two types of sickles. They are serrated sickles and smooth sickles. Serrated sickles have an advantage over smooth sickles, which can cut harvested grain on a large scale compared to smooth sickles. Modern kitchen knives are designed with serrated edges and follow the same design principles.

A shovel is a hand tool used by construction workers or farmers. This handy tool is used to move bulk materials such as snow, sand, gravel, soul, ore or coal. In construction it is used to mix sand, cement and gravel to make concrete mixtures. The shovels are the perfect agricultural tool for lifting and transporting soil. The two main components of a shovel are the long handle and the shovel head.

The spade is used for digging and also for cutting turf. Spades have a long handle and a narrow, straight blade with a sharp metal tip. They are made in various designs depending on the kind of work. The spade is primarily a digging tool, but it can also be used for plowing.

The hoe is an old, popular and versatile agricultural hand tool used for shaping soil, removing weeds, cleaning soil and harvesting root crops. Shaping soil involves piling soil around the base of plants and shaping furrows and shallow ditches for planting seeds. Weed control with a hoe can be accomplished by stirring the soil surface and chopping off the foliage at the roots as well as removing crop and soil residues. Hoes are used for harvesting root crops, such as potatoes and carrots, and for digging and moving soil.

A rake is a very common tool on any type of farm. There are several types of rakes to choose from. The main function of this tined rod is to loosen and level the ground. Traditional rakes have been developed from tractors that have been fixed by hand or pulled by livestock.

This tool, consisting of a handle and a long, sharp steel blade, is hard to forget. Its practicality allows it to be carried everywhere. It is almost irreplaceable. It can be used to mow, cut or trim plants, or to work in the bush.

