When using a sledgehammer which is made by Claw Hammer Supplier pay attention: 1.The link between the handle and the head needs to be company.
When Using A Tool Hammer, You Should Pay Attention to These!
When using a sledgehammer which is made by Claw Hammer Supplier pay attention:
1. The link between the handle and the head needs to be company. If the manage and the head are loose, then the hammer handle should be utilized and has cracks and cracks. The wedge of the manage and the head are added into the hole, along with the metallic wedge is favored. The wedge's period isn't greater than 2/3 of the hole's thickness.
When hitting, So as to have a specific elasticity, the center of the deal is slightly more narrow than the conclusion.
When using a sledgehammer, you have to look closely at the front, back, right and left, down and up. It's strictly prohibited to stand at sledgehammer movement's assortment. It's prohibited to use the hammer and the sledgehammer to perform with each other.

The hammerhead isn't permitted to be quenched. Burrs and cracks aren't permitted. It's discovered that the flashing of the border that was flashing ought to be fixed in time.
If you have demand about hammer, Agriculture Hand Tools, ect. Welcome to contact us. And we are aslo Grinding Wheel Exporters. Looking forward your contaction.