
Hand Tools Purchase Principle

First of all, we must examine the product quality and production and distribution factory management history, market share and service network.

Second, durability
The durability of the product depends mainly on the material used, good product material has both sufficient compression resistance and lightweight weight, as well as internal spare parts.
professional hand tools factory

Third, the effect of atomization
For example, a good spray gun is usually atomized, paint flow stability, and paint utilization. Spray gun atomization effect on the one hand with its internal channel design and nozzle, air cap on the accuracy of the aperture, on the other hand also with the working pressure. Experienced masters know that brand guns are usually more effective than brand-name guns. High-pressure guns usually produce better atomization than low-pressure guns due to the more advanced manufacturing techniques and equipment of the brand guns and the higher precision and quality control.

Sinotools is China hand tools supplier. We are professional hand tools factory. Welcome contact us for any quote of hand tools.

