
Simple Hand Tools Detect Housing Renovation

For house decoration, the acceptance process is critical. The owners only need some simple hand tools to detect home improvement acceptance, to ensure that the owners to recover a perfect and comfortable housing, but also can help decoration personnel to find their own shortcomings, timely remediation.
First of all, tape measure is used in home improvement process commonly, tape measure can be used to measure the height and width of the house, in daily life is also very often used tools. The use of tape, the owners can be home decoration process in the space reserved for reasonable.
The second recommendation is the inspection hammer, inspection hammer detection method is free to use a small metal hammer, beat the walls, and then the owners can determine the sound of the wall to determine whether the wall is defective, which is designed to detect the wall and the ground hand tools.
The third is a magnetic pen, magnetic pen has a very large magnet, you can check whether the steel doors and windows lining.
Finally, the flatness of the wall and floor inspection, we recommend the use of vertical detection rule, which can detect flatness in addition to later, you can also detect the vertical or not, the floor is level. Vertical and flatness of the decoration process is very important indicators, a direct impact on the comfort of the occupants.
tape measure

