
Garden Tool Helper - Garden Shears

With the progress of society, requirements of environment are increasing, a good green impact on the development of generation, a good green belt can not do without the help of garden tools. Garden shears planting to improve the environment activity.
Garden shears has a history of about 50 years in China, garden shears include grass shears and hedge shears, "Garden" is the traditional Chinese language, it has over 1800 years of history. Gardens have important role to improve the ecological environment, in terms of aesthetic value and diversity functions are different.

Green garden shears divided broad green and narrow green, broadly refers to the plant as long as the play to increase and improve the cultivation of garden planting project environment. Narrow green is to increase the artificial criteria, such as: the existence of the plant, the foundation of all is judged by human society products.
Grass Shear

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