
Summary of Fogging Causes and Anti-Fogging Skills of Goggles

Goggles is an eye protection device used to close or protect the eyes. It is mainly used to prevent particles, water, chemicals, and infectious substances such as blood and body fluids from invading the eyes. There is literature that proves that wearing goggles is one of the important measures to directly prevent blood-borne occupational exposure and occupational infections.
The goggles will fog during wearing, which will seriously affect the sight of medical staff, increase the difficulty of operation, and increase the risk of pollution. It not only affects the accuracy of the medical staff's operation but also increases the psychological pressure.
Aiming at the phenomenon of fogging of goggles, recently reviewing the data, hand tools manufacturers in china summarized the causes of fogging of goggles and anti-fog techniques.
Safety Goggles
Safety Goggles
Cause Analysis
1. For secondary protection, it is necessary to use N95 or N99 masks with good sealing performance, but as the wearing time prolongs, the sealing performance of the mask decreases with the operation and communication, causing some gas to escape from the sides of the nose bridge. The upper edge enters the goggles, fogging the goggles, reducing visibility, and obstructing vision.
2. When there is a significant temperature difference between the material and the environment, water mist will condense on the surface. This is because of the temperature decreases and the saturated vapour pressure of water decrease below the partial pressure of water vapour in the air, causing the water vapour to condense into water droplets.
The epidemic happened just in winter, and the air-conditioning system in the work area and the ward had been turned off. Zhang Liubo, a researcher at the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pointed out: If a patient with new coronary pneumonia or a suspected patient is found within the scope of the air supply, the central air conditioner should be turned off in time, disinfected, and used after evaluation.
China hand tools factory believes that when medical personnel operate under secondary protection, the human body temperature is higher than the indoor temperature, and the temperature difference between the inner and outer layers of the goggles is large, so it is easy to cause fog in the goggles.
Anti-fog tips
Sealed mask
The indwelling needle mask closes the upper edge of the mask. The mask is cut into strips and applied horizontally to the upper edge of the mask and the skin of the lower eyelid to ensure that the upper edge of the mask fits the facial skin.
Disadvantages: This method can reduce the gas entering the goggles through the upper edge of the mask, but the film is directly attached to the eyelid skin, which easily causes medical adhesive-related skin damage. If you are allergic to the dressing, it will also aggravate skin damage. However, with the development of the epidemic, protective equipment is also in short supply. In order to save protective equipment, most nursing staff wear goggles for 4-6 hours. The film has been loosened due to sweat, and the film cannot be maintained firmly.
When using a paper infusion patch to close the upper edge of the mask, put a mask on the mask. After wearing the mask, use the infusion patch on the upper edge of the mask and the lower eyelid skin.
Advantages and disadvantages: The paper towel in this method is used to absorb a large amount of moisture in the mask. The low-sensitivity paper infusion paste has low viscosity, has little damage to the skin, and is not easily allergic. The disadvantage is that the infusion patch cannot guarantee the tightness of the upper edge of the mask, and some gas still enters the goggles from the upper edge of the mask.

2. Anti-fog lens treatment
Antifog coated lens
● Hu Jianmei and others pointed out that evenly applying the anti-fog agent for swimming goggles to the inner surface of the goggles lens, and leaving it to dry after wearing, can have an anti-fog effect.
Most of the anti-fogging agents are nozzle-type designs. If the anti-fogging agent is sprayed directly on the inner layer of the lens and worn after drying, although there is an anti-fogging effect, the water stains on the lens surface are mostly halo-like, and the clarity is reduced, affecting the field of vision and visibility.
● If you follow the instructions for use of goggles defogging agent: first half an hour before using the goggles, rinse the inside of the lens with cold water, drain the water from the lens to make the lens moist; spray the anti-fog agent evenly against the lens, wait In 8 minutes, the anti-fog agent in the lens is half-dry. Take cold water and shake it in the lens, so that the anti-fog agent is evenly attached to the lens, and then drain the water to dry the beads. Fog effect, but long preparation time and low efficiency.
● Anti-fogging agents are effective in anti-fogging of goggles, and because anti-fogging agents are expensive and not easily available, they are rarely used in clinical practice.
Detergent supplies wipe lenses
● You can choose detergents commonly used in daily life, such as dish soap, soapy water, shampoo, shower gel, hand soap, etc.
Method: Take an appropriate amount of detergent with cotton swabs or gauze and evenly apply it to the inner layer of the lens, let it dry for later use; before wearing goggles, use gauze to wipe away the detergent that has been applied and dried. In the operation of wearing goggles, the residual detergent will form a transparent film when it encounters water vapor, which can play a role in destroying the surface tension of water droplets, so that the goggles are not prone to fog.
Each detergent contains a surfactant, which can reduce the surface tension of water droplets, but the surfactants contained in different detergents have different effects.
● This kind of method needs to wait for the detergent to dry and wipe before using it. The preparation time is long and the anti-fog effect cannot be obtained immediately, but the detergent is easy to obtain and the cost is low.
Safety Goggles
Safety Goggles
Iodine coated lenses
● Apply the iodophor evenly on the inner layer of the protective glasses, and wear it after the iodophor is dry. This method is also commonly used for antifogging of laparoscopic lenses in the operating room.
The principle is that after the iodine is applied to the surface, the ion iodine becomes molecular iodine, which exerts an oxidation effect to form a protective film. At the same time, studies have confirmed that aqueous solutions containing iodine can be used as goggle disinfectants, and do not affect the life and use of goggles.
● This method has good anti-fog effect, iodophor is a medical disinfectant, easy to obtain, and widely used in clinical practice.
Dispensing lenses with disposable hand sanitizer
● Before wearing, apply a thin layer of disposable hand sanitizer evenly on the inner layer of the goggles, wait for the sanitizer to dry, and then wipe the dry sanitizer with gauze.
● This method can prevent the lens from fogging, but the disposable hand sanitizer contains ethanol. During the wearing process, the wearer is irritated by the smell of ethanol and has poor comfort.
Automotive glass water painting lens
● Before wearing, apply the car glass water evenly on the inner layer of the goggles, wait for the glass water to dry, and wear it directly.
● This method can prevent the lens from fogging, but the glass water also contains the ethanol component, which causes poor wearer comfort.
Automotive glass water painting lens
● Before wearing, apply the car glass water evenly on the inner layer of the goggles, wait for the glass water to dry, and wear it directly.
● This method can prevent the lens from fogging, but the glass water also contains the ethanol component, which causes poor wearer comfort.
Vaseline or liquid paraffin coated lenses
● Before wearing, evenly apply a small amount of vaseline or liquid paraffin to the inner layer of the goggles to ensure that the lens surface is covered with a thin layer.
● In this method, vaseline is a semi-liquid mixture, which is smeared on the lens, which affects the field of vision and visibility. Although liquid paraffin is easy to obtain and simple to operate, it does not rule out that oily ingredients have other damage to the goggles material, and are rarely used in clinical practice.
The china hand tools supplier believes that the air exhaled from the upper edge of the mask and the temperature change between the inside and outside of the lens are the reasons for the fog in the goggles. In clinical work, everyone also summarized a large number of anti-fog techniques. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. According to the needs of actual operations, more appropriate methods can be taken to prevent fogging of the goggles, to ensure smooth operation of medical staff and avoid operation Pollution in the environment can alleviate the psychological pressure of medical staff in their work.


Development Trend Of Garden Tools From Three Global Consumer Markets

China hand tools supplier to share with you: Garden tools refer to machinery and equipment involved in gardening, greening and future maintenance, including lawn planting and maintenance machinery, green space planting and maintenance machinery, cities and towns Tree and shrub planting and maintenance machinery, flower cultivation facilities and equipment, garden engineering and professional sports venues and other equipment.
At present, the main consumption regions of the global garden tool market are concentrated in European and American countries, while the garden tool market in Asia is relatively small, but it is developing rapidly.
North American market
The North American market for garden tools is concentrated in the US market. The United States is the world's largest consumer of garden tool products, and its consumption mainly comes from home gardening and public green construction. The United States has a relatively developed economy, a high private garden ownership rate, and frequent home garden maintenance and operations, such as pruning branches and arranging lawns. The demand for garden tools is strong, which has led to the development of the garden tool market.
From 2014 to 2019, the demand for lawn and garden equipment in the United States is expected to increase to an average annual growth rate of 3.2% to $ 11.7 billion. With the increase in the number of detached houses and garden facilities, the increase in home and commercial garden equipment has provided strong support for the growth of the garden tool industry.
European market
The European horticulture industry is an active and growing market, largely due to the development of European art. In recent years, horticultural television programs, major horticultural exhibitions, such as the Chelsea Flower Show, have all promoted the development of horticulture.
Russian market
There are about 40 million acres of gardens in Russia, which means that every 3 Russians have their own courtyard. Since the Soviet era, Russian villas have attached a courtyard of about 600 square meters, and the head of the household often grows some fruits and vegetables in the courtyard during the warm season. Since 2005, Russia's economic development has reduced the need for individuals to grow edible plants, and has also increased interest in ornamental gardening, especially for those who have high-end homes in the city.
Russia's horticultural demand is expected to reach 97 billion rubles by 2019. Growing fruits and vegetables will keep customers in constant demand for garden tools, but customers will prefer more cost-effective tools. In Russia, the need for garden maintenance will continue to support the high demand for horticultural care products.
UK market
In the British mind, gardening is a traditionally popular hobby. The strong interest in house reconstruction has gradually expanded to the garden, which has stimulated the development of the market.
The British horticultural market has maintained a good growth trend for the past ten years. The development of British society and economy, the increase of disposable income and the aging of the population are conducive to the development of its horticultural industry. In 2017, the value of the British garden supplies distribution market reached 4.9 billion pounds, an increase of 3% over the previous year. British consumers spend up to £ 5 billion a year on gardening. Although the demand for houses in the UK is still high, the rate of house construction and relocation has declined in recent years, and the average size of British gardens has also been shrinking. Therefore, people tend to choose high-rise housing, the space becomes smaller, and "vertical gardens" are more prevalent. Increased use of pots that are easy to move and place on the balcony.
German market
In Germany, the home and garden markets are relatively mature, and new sales often need to be driven by innovative and personalized products. As more and more people migrate to Germany, the population of Germany has gradually increased and the number of families has continued to grow steadily. These favorable demographic factors have played a positive role in the growth of the home and garden market.
Asia market
The Asia-Pacific region will be the fastest growing region in the global garden tools market, and China, Hong Kong and India will have higher compound growth rates. The Chinese market still maintains the largest market share in the Asia-Pacific region. Japan will continue to maintain its position as the second largest market in the region, but is expected to maintain a CAGR of 1.6%.
China is the main production base of garden tools in the world. Because garden tools are currently mainly exported for export, and the export method is mainly shipping, the production areas are mainly concentrated along the coast, mainly in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Shandong in East China. province.
The demand for garden tool export markets is different. China garden tools suppliers need to develop differentiated product plans based on the different economic and cultural needs of different countries and regions.
Bolt Cutter European Type
Bolt Cutter European Type


Commonly Used Wrench Tools

Wrenches manufacturer china shares common wrench tools for you:
1. Single-head and double-head wrenches:
It is used to fasten or remove hexagon head or square head nut bolts, single head single type, double head double type.
2.Plum wrench and single-head plum wrench:
It is only suitable for hexagon head nuts and bolts, because it is an elbow, especially suitable for the work place with a narrow position, located in a recess, and unable to accommodate a wrench. There is also a curved handle plum wrench, which solves the use of some special environments.
3. Ratchet Torx Wrench:
It has the same shape and function as the Torx Wrench, except that it has a ratchet ring, which can be turned directly on the nut when in use, and the nut can be moved up or down. Ordinary wrench must be turned to a certain angle when used in some corners Take it down and adjust. However, it also has its shortcomings. It cannot have high torque, and it cannot be used too hard when it is used, otherwise the gears and clamping blocks inside are easily damaged.
4. Dual-purpose wrench:
One end wrench, one end wrench.
5. Tap the spanner wrench and tap the plum wrench:
Similar to single-head wrenches and single-head plum wrenches, the handle can also be used as a hammer.
6, adjustable wrench:
The width of the opening can be adjusted within a certain size range, and bolts or nuts of different specifications can be twisted.
7. Tube and pipe wrench:
One end of the movable jaw is made of a flat jaw, and one end is made of a fine tooth jaw. Press the worm to freely change the jaw position.
8. Hexagon wrench:
Tighten or remove the hexagon socket screws. Divided into three kinds of flat head, ball head and rice.
9. Torque wrench:
Generally used with sleeves. Dial-type / pointer-type torque wrenches can display the applied torque when turning bolts or nuts. The preset torque wrench can set a specified torque. It emits light or sound signal, which is suitable for the occasions where the magnitude of torque is clearly specified. You can also customize the wrench head to become a movable head, an open head, and so on.
10. Hook wrench / Crescent wrench / Round nut wrench:
Tighten or remove the round nut.
11. Socket wrench:
It is divided into manual and pneumatic. The manual socket wrench is widely used. It consists of various socket heads, transmission accessories and connectors. It has the function of tightening or removing the hex head bolt and nut. It is especially suitable for small spaces or deep recess . The accessories of the manual socket wrench are as follows:
(1) Ratchet wrench
(2) Sliding lever: The position of the gliding head can be moved to adjust the size of the arm.
(3) Quick rocking handle: The bow-shaped handle can be used for rapid and continuous rotation.
(4) curved handle
(5) Steering handle: It can rotate and rotate within an intolerable range.
(6) Universal joint: similar to the steering handle.
(7) Post / extension rod: The nut bolt can be rotated more deeply.
(8) Joints: connect posts, sleeves, etc. with square holes and square tenons of different sizes.
(9) Sleeve head: There are six holes and twelve holes.
(10) Screwdriver sleeve: The socket wrench can be turned into a screwdriver (screwdriver) of various specifications.
We are china hand tools supplier. In addition to cheap wrench sets, our company also provides high quality Chinese garden tools. We have any needs for our products, please feel free to contact us.
Commonly Used Wrench Tools


How Many Power Tools are Good for Home Decoration?

China hammer suppliers to share with you: the tools commonly used by workers in decoration are electric hammers, table saws, portable saws, electric circular saws, air pumps, electric drills, angle grinders. If it is used for personal home decoration, it is not recommended to buy it all. The frequency of use is too low for the family.
The decoration itself is trivial. Basic construction and product installation belong to two systems, and they need to be subdivided into different types of work, products, and suppliers. If there is no effective inspection link, there will often be a link to construction halfway, and it is found that the problems left over from the previous link need to be resolved or even reworked. Occasionally, there are some small installation tasks, no one does it, or charge a high door-to-door fee.
In order to achieve a better decoration effect, individuals are equipped with power tools, which can be mainly inspection tools. It is enough to install common power tools with points.
Commonly used china power tools:
Hand drill: 220v electric drill with wire, with different drills, can basically meet the needs of openings in the decoration, assembling furniture. There are also various drills or matching tools that you can try slowly.
Lightweight electric hammer: There are three functions of electric drill, electric hammer and electric pick. The electric hammer function is mainly used to punch holes, with high efficiency and high speed, and punching on concrete walls without pressure. Don't buy an impact drill, the concrete wall may not hit an eye for ten minutes, and you will feel dizzy, tinnitus and numb.
Chainsaw: Do not try a chainsaw without experience. There are many types of chainsaw blades. Do not use them indiscriminately. Do not use an angle grinder as a cutting machine.
If you need to saw something small, you can buy a hand saw. In the decoration, the electric saw is roughly listed according to the frequency of use: table saw (electric circular saw)> portable saw> jig saw> angle grinder> 45 ° cutting machine. Jigsaws are quick to get started and have a high safety factor. Portable saws are relatively dusty during decoration-related operations, and you won't want to try them. The function of the inclined cutting machine is slightly single, and the decoration is rarely used except for diagonal or cutting metal profiles. Among them, the angle of danger of the angle grinder should be the highest, regular use is grinding, but because it is cheap, many workers use the angle grinder to replace the saw with saw blades, cutting bricks, metal, wood. If you find that you can stop them as much as possible, you should bear responsibility if you are in an employment relationship with the workers in the decoration.
Vacuum cleaner: A high-power, cheap vacuum cleaner that can blow hair and absorb moisture. About 200 yuan, every step of the decoration can be used for entering and exiting.
China Power Tools
China Power Tools