
The history of hammer

The history of hammers
A hammer, as a percussion tool, has its place in the toolbox. Although it is often insignificant, but in fact in its countless times of percussion, human from the wild age all the way to the present. So what happened to the hammer? Let's take a look with the hammer manufacturer.
More than two million years ago, our ancestors lived or fought with stones as striking tools, the earliest origins of the hammer China.
More than 30,000 years ago, humans began to tie the beaten stone to a wooden stick to make a stone hammer, which is the first version of hammer with a handle. The hammer handle is more convenient for power, and the lever composed of the hand and the hammer handle can magnify the impact force, so that the hammer's impact power and speed are greatly improved. But primitive people with "rubber band" (generally refers to the tough plant fiber or animal skin, etc.) tied hammerhead easy loose head, accidentally because of loose will lead to hammerhead fly out cause "accidental injury"!
hammer manufacturer
In the Bronze Age, the hammers received another crucial upgrade. In addition to the bronze metal material to more power, also appeared a hole hammer head, China called "Qiong", inserted the stick which is very easy to fixed. This design can be seen in many tools and weapons and has been used to this day.
The real modern claw hammer was invented by American blacksmith David medell in 1840. He USES a wedge Qiong eye - insert after the hammer handle reverse lay a wedge, it more firmly hammer head. He also upgraded the horn to a curved surface, making it easier to pull nails. The new claw hammer was very popular when it was launched.
The above is the development history of hammers, want to know more about this knowledge, you can pay attention to our website, welcome your call to consult.


What should I pay attention to when using a tool?

These issues should be addressed when using tool shared by Knife Cutters Supplier.
What should I pay attention to when using tools?
When using knives and tools, suppliers should pay attention to the following issues:
1, in the use of the blade must pay attention to the protection, the blade is not suitable for cutting, cutting, not suitable for looking at the big bone of the big bone. Running is to disconnect raw materials, rational use of the blade, cutting resistance, should be timely check the presence of bone residue, otherwise easy to hurt the blade.
Utility Knife
2, after use should pay attention to wash the knife with warm water, and then put the water in a clean, especially cut into too salty material, because it has a garlic, time growth easy oxidation knife, knife has a certain corrosive, except cha will affect the service life of the knife.
3, for a long time do not use the tool, should be on both sides of the blade grease, to prevent rust, put the blade on a hard surface.
We are the supplier of knives and hammers in China.  Also our factory supply kinds of Garden Hand Tools, If you have demand for our products, welcome to contact us!


What should I pay attention to when using a screwdriver?

Screwdrivers Manufacturer China shares that screwdriver is a tool we often use in life, mainly for the removal of screws, in the use of the screw driver should pay attention to the choice of model, so as to better use. Today the screwdriver manufacturer tells you what to pay attention to when using a screwdriver.
Screwdriver is generally divided into two types, one is a font, the other is a cross, in the use of the time, we should pay attention to the screw model, to choose the screw driver model and size, so as to better use. In addition, the thickness of the screwdriver is different, if the choice of the thickness of the screwdriver and screws do not match, so it will cause inconvenience on the use.
Screwdrivers Manufacturer China
When using the screwdriver, must pay attention to the use of force, so as to ensure that you can screw off. Without damaging the screwdriver. And in the use of time, the screwdriver must be fixed well, make it and screw tightly together, so as to better use.
In the handling of cruciform screws, if there is no cruciform screwdriver, you can use a type of screwdriver, but do not use too hard, otherwise it will make the screwdriver dislocation, can not be used normally.
After use, the screwdriver should be placed well, not placed in a damp place, so as not to rust the screwdriver with damp. Grease the screwdriver if necessary to keep it from rusting. In the screwdriver blade hair, you can polish the screwdriver, but be careful not to polish too sharp, this will affect the use of the screwdriver.
The above is the screwdriver in the use of things to pay attention to, we m


How to remove the oil on the wooden handle of the hammer?

How to remove the oil on the wooden handle of the hammer?
In the process of using the Hammer China, we will put more oil on the wooden handle. When using it, wipe the sweat and oil on the hand and the hammer handle in time. Otherwise, the hammer may slip off the hand and cause injury. Or a damage accident. Then how to deal with the specific, the hammer manufacturer below to explain the specific cleaning method.
When cleaning, use a rag to apply a proper amount of soapy water to wipe the oil on the handle of the hammer. The soapy water can decompose the oil on the wooden handle. The main component of the oil is protein, fat, etc. The main component of the soapy water is glycerin. Ester, a substance that breaks down oil into small molecules and dissolves them into it. After soaking in soapy water for a while, wipe it with a cloth and damp the appropriate amount of water, but be careful not to use too much water, otherwise the wooden handle of the hammer will be wet.
The above is about how to remove the oil stain on the wooden handle of the hammer. If you have any other questions, please call us.
Hammer China


Correct use of hammer

Hammer is divided into many kinds, but the method is basically the same, the following hammer manufacturer for everyone to popularize it!
1. The handle should be firmly installed and plugged with wedges to prevent the hammer head from flying out and injuring people.
2. It is dangerous to use a hammer with a damaged exterior. When struck, the metal on the hammer may fly out.
3. The two hammers should not hit each other, otherwise the metal will flake and fly out to hurt people.
4. When removing parts, it is forbidden to directly hammer the mating surface and vulnerable parts to prevent surface damage or damage.
5. When using a hammer, hold the end of the handle tightly so that you can hit things with less effort.
6. Should wipe the sweat or grease on the hands and wooden handle to prevent the hammer from slipping off.
7. The hammer head should be hit on the object in a flat manner, without any deviation, to prevent damage to the surface shape of the object.
We specialize in all kinds of hammers, if there is a need, if there is a need, you can pay attention to our website, welcome your call.